Aura Balancing Kinesiology
Next Course:
Brisbane: 18th October (ONLINE), 19th October (IN PERSON) 2025
Investment: $800
Enrolment Close: 19th September 2025
This course is jam packed with so much incredible information. The Auras course will open your eyes to the possibility and potential to where this work can take you.
Within this course you will learn all about the 7 Auric layers knows as the Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template, Celestial Body and the Ketheric template. Here you will be able to identify the auras colour, shape and appearance and the imbalances that may present for someone.
In this course we delve into a whole heap of new and incredible healing remedies such as smudging, crystal gridding, feng shui, Water cleaning and infusions, animal totems, spirit messages, sacred geometry, EMF’s and so much more.
Aura Balancing Kinesiology allows you to tap into the world around you and decide who or what you would like to penetrate your auras gorgeous energy field.
You will learn all about each auras location, aura span, colour, appearance, related chakra, expression and statement of consciousness, purpose, connection, type of energy, element, attributes, qualities and emotions and how our auras effect everything in our life.
You will learn what energies are effecting your aura as well as some powerful cleansing techniques, remedies and healing tools to uplift and regenerate your energy field including aura-soma colour infused oils, crystals, crystal gridding, colour, essential oils, affirmations, sound, runes, spirit message, Palo Santo, sage smudging, incense, orgonite, water infusion/cleanse, sacred geometry, figure 8 energy, spiral energy, rain water, salt water, EMF’s, Feng Shui and so much more.
Connect to your light body and delve into the depths of each individual aura and gain a deeper insight of the related shapes and symbols including animal totems, black shields, orbs, sacred symbols, spirit guides and so much more as well as the colour and meaning of your own aura plus unique restorative remedies to allow you to radiate your best light energy into the world.
Learn practical easy to use tools and techniques to understand and integrate all the energies of the Auras through the use of beautiful healing remedies and spiritual cleansing tools so your aura is clear, strong, vital and glowing with spectacular coloured light.
Watch and experience your Instructor connecting and demonstrating a Aura Balancing Kinesiology balance so you can witness the full process first hand.
On day 2, enjoying bringing all the components of this powerful aura strengthening course together and get to play with lots of new healing remedies.
At the conclusion of day 2, you will feel stronger in your aura and confident in balancing someone's aura, plus understand so much more about why it is important to protect your aura.
The location, aura span, aura testing position, colour and described as, aura appearance, related chakra, expression of consciousness, statement of consciousness, purpose, connection, yin or yang, prominent aura development ages, element, sound and attributes of the 7 Aura layers - Etheric Body, Emotional Body, Mental Body, Astral Body, Etheric Template, Celestial Body, Ketheric Template.
The qualities and emotions of each aura
Emotional indications of a balanced and imbalanced aura
Willingness, Connection Points, Universe Connection, Negative Energy Fields, Negative Attachments, Entities, Surrogacy and Goal Setting.
How to test for an Aura Colour and what these colours mean.
Aura Shapes & Symbols - animal totems, black ring, black shield, black spots, cracks, jagged lines, lightning bolts, orbs, pulsing waves, sacred symbols, silver sparkles, spirit guides, spongy holes.
What auras are and how to identify when an aura is out of balance through muscle reflex testing and why the aura is imbalanced including specific wording to enable awareness for the client plus using age recessing and area of involvement.
Detailed Aura Balancing Kinesiology remedy information and practical application for: Aura-soma colour infused oils, Aura-Soma Tarot Cards & Book, Crystals, Aura specific crystal remedies, Crystal gridding, Colour, Essential oils, Chakra/Element Balancing Spray / Oil, Affirmations, Sound, Flower Essences, Oracle/Healing Cards, Runes, Spirit Message, Shamanic Healing Wands, Shamanic Knives, Palo Santo, Sage Smudging, Incense, Orgonite, Water Infusion / Cleanse, Sacred Geometry, Figure 8 Energy, Spiral Energy, Nature’s Healing Chi - Salt Water & Rain Water, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF's), Feng Shui, Activities / Spiritual Practices, Emotional Stress Release (ESR), Energy healing, Plus more...
Full step by step balancing procedure for Aura Balancing Kinesiology including an easy to follow session template to use on clients or yourself.
Lots of practice time on massage tables with other workshop participants using the full Aura Balancing Kinesiology balance protocol to master the process and practice using all the different remedies to assist others healing as well as obtain beautiful healings yourself.
Course Hours:
16 hours - face-to-face classroom hours
15 hours - Out of class time which includes an online assessment and 6 x case studies
Total Course Proficiency Hours = 31 hours
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours:
16 hours attendance / 31 hours proficiency
Association Accreditation Hours:
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists (AIK) - 26 hours
Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) - 26 hours Category "B"
Competency Requirements and Outcomes:
Students will be required to demonstrate competency in written and practical assessments with a 75% pass mark. Six case studies and an online written multiple choice and short answer assessment must be completed post course to obtain proficiency. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued via email for 16 hours after completion of class face-to-face hours. Once successful competency requirements have been met a Certificate of Proficiency will be issued via email for 31 hours.
International Institute for Complementary Therapists
The EMK Modality is a Premier Training Provider and recognised with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) under ‘Specialised Kinesiology’. This allows our EMK Practitioners to obtain affordable membership and insurance with IICT.
Provided: A clear, detailed, comprehensive and easy to use step-by-step 120+ page colour training manual.
Pre-requisite: Kineasy Intro Course and Chakra Healing Kinesiology course.
Duration: Two days , 9am - 5:30pm
Instructor: Courtney Sharp
Course fee: $800
2025 Course Dates:
Brisbane: 18th October (ONLINE) 19th October (IN PERSON)
Location: Erthed, 2/86 Whitmore Street, Taringa, 4068
Course fee: $800
Numbers are capped so enroll early to avoid disappointment.