Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology

Next Course:

Brisbane: 3rd, 4th May (ONLINE), 17th, 18th May 2025 (IN PERSON)

Investment: $1600

Enrolment Close: 11th April 2025

Here we dive even deeper into the world of Traditional Chinese Medicine. In this Course we really focus on the Meridian channels that run through the body and learn all about their corresponding acupressure points.

The Meridians are an extraordinary way in which we can delve into and learn more about the physical body and begin to learn the way the body holds onto stress and how this can manifest as physical symptoms.

Throughout this course you will discover how the meridians can affect us when out of balance and how through kinesiology we can shift blockages and in turn have powerful changes within the body.

In this course you will get to learn how to correct imbalances within these meridians, learn how to understand the Metaphysical and Emotional meanings behind these imbalances and how to communicate this confidently within a session. You will also begin to dive in and play with some wonderful new remedies such a tiger warmers, moxibustion and much more.

A truly heartfelt, passionate, fun and enlivening course in a bubble of Chi!



  • Learn deep knowledge of the meridians, including their function and relationship with the organs, emotional attributes, physical relevance and metaphors to relate to your body and life.

  • You will be working cohesively on achieving deep resonating goals and intentions, tuning into physical ailments and aligning the body to being its greatest self.

  • Muscle testing is used alongside alarm points and other techniques to determine which meridians/organs are imbalanced.

  • Awareness of the emotional connection to the meridians is discovered and an imperative part of the journey.

  • Enjoy feeling Chi move through your fingers as you learn the many different ways to work with acupressure points on the body.

  • You will experience using beautiful natural healing remedies, powerful acupressure points, moxibustion and warming tools to assists clearing blockages, allowing the body the opportunity to naturally thrive and heal itself.

  • Embrace a deep understanding of the Eight Extraordinary meridians and be supported by a full protocol on how to use these effectively in a session.

  • Experience profound healing balances on yourself and while working with others, which will see you look at your body and life through different lenses.

  • Watch and experience your Instructor connecting and demonstrating a kinesiology Meridian and Eight Extras balance so you can witness the full process first hand.

  • On days 3 & 4 in the classroom, you will master all of these techniques in a long balance that incorporates the meridians, extraordinary meridians and all the new and powerful healing tools and remedies.


  • Locations of the 14 meridian lines of the body

  • Related organs, organ energy, element, peak hours of the day, paired organ, colour, physical branches, attributes and the function of each meridian in detail

  • Emotional and Physical indication of an imbalanced and balanced meridian

  • How to test and identify when a meridian is our of balance using muscle reflex testing and alarm points

  • Detailed meridian remedy information and practical application for: Meridian lines, Acupressure points, Essential Oils, Crystals, Sound, Colour, Flower Essence, Nutrition, Affirmations, Activities/Spiritual practices, Shamanic Healing Tools, Emotional Stress Release, Oracle/Healing cards, Natures Healing Chi, Moxibustion, Elephant Warmer, Tiger Warmer, And much more

  • Acupressure points are taught in meaningful practical ways

  • Learn the eight extra meridians

  • Skills and techniques to communicate and connect openly with your client to build trust, open up and allow them to feel

  • Full step by step balancing procedure for Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology including an easy to follow template session sheet

  • Practical application of the full Meridian Rivers of Chi Kinesiology balance using all remedies on other workshop participants


Course Hours:
32 hours - face-to-face classroom hours
15 hours - Out of class time which includes an online assessment and 6 x case studies
Total Course Proficiency Hours = 47 hours

Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours:
32 hours attendance / 47 hours proficiency

Association Accreditation Hours:
Australian Institute of Kinesiologists (AIK) - 42 hours
Australian Kinesiology Association (AKA) - 42 hours Category "B"

Competency Requirements and Outcomes:
Students will be required to demonstrate competency in written and practical assessments with a 75% pass mark.  Six case studies must be completed post course to obtain proficiency.  A Certificate of Attendance will be issued via email for 20 hours after completion of class hours.  Once competency requirements have been met a Certificate of Proficiency will be issued via email for 47 hours.

International Institute for Complementary Therapists

The EMK Modality is a Premier Training Provider and recognised with the International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) under ‘Specialised Kinesiology’. This allows our EMK Practitioners to obtain affordable membership and insurance with IICT.


Pre-requisites: Mastery of the Five Elements Core Essence and Character course

Duration: Four days , 9am - 5:30pm

This course is held over two weekends

Instructor: Courtney Sharp

2025 Course Dates:

Brisbane: 3, 4th May (ONLINE) 17, 18th May (IN PERSON)

Location: Erthed, 2/86 Whitmore Street, Taringa, 4068

Course fee: $1600

Numbers are capped so enroll early to avoid disappointment.